Ok, so I have not been following through with my goal of writing...possible reasons why include: realizing that writing something on the web means it is there forever and I have learned that posting things means you can never take them back...or could it be I have nothing to say (seriously for anyone who knows me..we know that is not even a possibility) or lastly and most likely...working to much.
New updates in live. New Job...(sort of a down grade and up grade at the same time)...New Apartment in a different city...(one of those decisions that I make and am halfway through and then totally freak out because I dove head first into it. We all know how much people LOVE change. So after taking a break from the hotel industry of a highly successful and life-absorbing hotel I am not on a six week sabbatical...(yes I know you thought only monks and nuns took things like that) from work I am now trying to come back to the real world. As I ironically remarked to a few people once I left my current job...introducing myself back into society and taking myself away from work to focus on my life is kind of like when they reintroduce convicts back into society and sometimes they have a hard time reintegrating because they are not used to what is "normal life" to most. I feel completely lost. I need to do something with myself but all I can see is a ton of a time waiting in front of me.
So now I am trying to figure it all out. With all this extra time now people are expecting the following things:
A) For me to be so ecstatic to be in a less challenging job ( Thinking this is going to be more challenging than dealing with the challenges I used to deal with on a daily basis)
B) Everyone things I am going to settle down and find a boyfriend...despite the fact that I could have found one while working, that now I have more time..like that was stopping me before. It was so not!
Currently, packing is the most challenging..it is horrible...
Now that you are sort of caught up...hopefully I will get back on it ...so I have a few other posts to keep people interested...
Signing off for now..
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